Are y'all over Halloween yet?? I am, but thought I ought to post what little Halloween decorating I did.
Here is the front walkway. It is really more Fall than Halloween. Note the poor bunny's ear is missing. Maybe it'll turn up and we'll glue it back on.

Spooky scary spider wreath. A leftover from Jackson's birthday party-which I'll post about soon. I thought it was appropriate for Halloween, so up it stays.

Trick or treat?? I'll take a treat, thank you. Up for grabs...M&M's, Oreo's, Teddy Grams and peanut butter Ritz, and some yummy chocolate treats, Kit Kat's, Reese's, Milky Way. You know, the good stuff!!

My little Halloween corner in the kitchen.
Jenny made all the handmades here for our Falloween Swap. I have wanted Mr. Bones since last year and got him this year. He is a cutie!!

On to the dining room. We decorated a Falloween tree with shutter ornies, Halloween tags, and a super cute pompom garland from Jenny.

The other side...The "side board" is the bottom piece of my hutch that used to live in the kitchen, then made its way into the foyer and finally, in here. The foyer is to the right. You can see my plant on the old milkcan in front of a foyer window.

The china cabinet sports some Halloweenies, too. I need to paint the back of the cabinet, but what color??

Close-up of the sideboard. BOO blocks came from
Emilie for our Halloween swap from last year, as did the rag garland on my china cabinet. The candy corn mouse and the ornie are from Jenny. I think she still has the mouse in her
etsy shoppe, along with another Mr. Bones.

The centerpiece on the table. You might notice this table used to be in the kitchen. We've rearranged a bit. I show it all to y'all soon.
Hope y'all have a Happy Hump Day!!