Hey y'all!! Remember me?? The girl who used to blog here?? Well, its been a bit of a crazy summer 'round these here parts. The two cars I know how to drive have decided to break down at one time or another. Cory got my van up and running, but something is still not right with it. Our Honda broke down on me on the way to a friend's house to go swimming. That was fun. I have a to-do list a mile long and I'm not quite there. At all.
We did, however, get started on the boys' room, so that makes me excited!! I have lots to still do in there-make a pennant banner from thrifted flannel shirts, refinish a bookcase I got eons ago, paint the dresser, sand and stain the bed I got for Fisher a year ago...lots of little stuff. Here is what went down in the meanwhile...we painted the walls, nailed some pallets up, added a shelf along the top. I am lovin' it so far!!
I am two weeks away from having our newest little one. This pregnancy has just flown by. I will have to get Cory to take a photo to share my belly, clothed, mind you. ;) If y'all don't remember we are having a little girl and most of us are excited!! I think Jackson would only have brothers if he had a choice. By the way, he starts school in less than two weeks. The day before the baby comes, in fact. We will homeschool Lilly for kindergarten this year and evaluate how things are going beyond that. I have been having the worst time deciding whether Jackson should actually go to school or not, but for now, he will.
We started going to a new church earlier in the year. Right before Lilly got sick, actually. Love it!! Had the pastor's wife and children over to play one day. They are younger, like in their mid-thirties. Don't think I've ever had a pastor that wasn't much older. Its cool, though. Their boys' middle names are my boys' called names, which is so cool, I think.
Fisher thinks he's a big boy now. Like, climbing out of his crib, trying to not take naps-that isn't gonna fly, walking up and down the stairs unassisted.
Um, what else...I am trying to decided what to actually get down before the baby comes. I have so many things I'd like to accomplish and so many things that I'm sure will have to wait. I think I want to make her a little dress for her hospital photos and some flowers-more on that later.
What have y'all been up to??