Hey there, y'all!! Just wanted to pop on to share some thrifty finds I've gotten lately. You know how sometimes you want to wait to share something until its "done"?? That's how I felt about showing y'all this table, but I don't feel like waiting. Ha!! My friend, Amy, found this table in my favorite little church thrift shop a few months ago. I went to go look at it, but it was out of my budget at the time. I decided I would make myself paint and sell my other table first. Well, last Thursday I had to run an errand in the same town as the thrift shop so I ran in there to see if it was still there. It was!! I think they had it priced so high no one would buy it. This place is normally so cheap on everything else, too. Anyway, I managed to talk them down $40, so even though I still paid more than I wanted, saving $40 was awesome!! Now I just need to finish my other table and get it sold!!
Y'all can see that I decided to go with the red chairs from Ikea!! For some reason my husband isn't super sold on them with this table. On the subject of the table, I cannot decide if it needs a makeover or not. My thought was to maybe re-stain the top a dark walnut and paint the bottom white. I kind of like it like it is, too. What do y'all think??

I found these owls at Goodwill a few weeks ago. I thought they looked so sweet. However, they will be getting a makeover. I trying to decide on a funky green or teal. Any opinions?? These cute hoots will go into the kids' room. Y'all might remember I briefly mentioned that all four of them are sharing a room...I'm trying to make it as gender neutral as I know how. And I don't. I am gleaning a lot of inspiration from all of you, however!!

Ahhh...this table. I've actually had it for over a year. I paid $20 for it at a yard sale and was so tickled pink to have a table that not everyone else does!! I did paint and glaze the wood top. The lamp is also a secondhand find. Brass originally, I sprayed it with a Fern spray paint and it looks fab!! We had to put a few of our favorite Fall books in a basket!!

Anybody else seeing the irony{no pun intended} of all the dust on my "Domestic" piece?!?! Hahaha!!!
P.S. I'm listening to Christmas music right now...How crazy is that?!?!