This Fall has been absolutely gorgeous!! I couldn't let this season pass me without blogging about it. This post is quite picture heavy...
The above picture was taken probably in September. A little early Fall...

This tree is down the road from my house. I loved the colors of it this year!!

Same tree, different angle...

Another beautifall tree...

Same tree as the other couple pics. I love the variegated leaves. God did a great job, and just because He loves us!!

I love the rustling of the leaves...my new favorite nail polish...

Trees in my side yard...

Cory and I celebrated 10 years of wedded bliss{um, okay, maybe not blissful all the time} and got some time away in the mountains. It was gorgeous when we went!!

This was near the center of town.

We had to hit a few local yard sales, right?!?! This was someone's backyard!! I would never tire of this view!!!

Back home...my Fall flag and FREE pumpkins!!!

One of my new friend's and I went to our girls' Kindergarten class to do a Thanksgiving craft. We took in a fun, festive treat!!

I made a ruffled burlap valance. I love it, but its not really for perfectionist's. I'm in recovery. ;)
I still have two more to make...

On the opposite side of the living room sits my craft cabinet. I painted it and now have issues with my doors sticking. I'll get around to fixing it eventually.
Jenny, my bestie from the westie, made my photo booth props. They are so cute, huh?!?!

I just tied a vintage doily around a jar with thrifted lace, set atop a vintage frog...threw in a folding measure tape for good measure{??}...hahaha!!
{If you look closely, you can see my old window treatments in the mirror...actually not so old, just made them a few months ago, but they have got to go. For now.}

Of course, I "Falled" up the dining area. Do forgive this photo quality. My camera and I are working on our relationship. Its a little more take, and I just give, give, give!!
You'd know, after I uploaded the photo, I realized the tray is way high, however, my microwave used to sit on the buffet. Attractive, yeah...

Here is a little close-up...The pinecone turkeys are the craft I did with Lilly's class. She is thankful for Mom, Dad, Tree{the first word she could spell, aside from her own name-but hey, I'm thankful for trees, too. Obviously...}, and Toes{toys}...The little fabric turkey I made a few years ago with the kids' hands. I found a tutorial after I made ours, and yep, I did it the hard way!!

An embellished candle...take one of those awesome, inexpensive candles from Wal-Mart, and mod podge scrapbook paper, doily, and tie twine and you have a cute decorated candle. These would be an awesome teacher gift, too!!

The backroom...Finally, at long last, I got the curtains made. I'm am so pleased with how this room is shaping up!!

I received this leaf garland a few Fall's ago. I love the way it looks hanging in the window!!

It wouldn't be Fall without Halloween. Or would it?? I was just "okay" about Halloween this year. You can tell I went all out for the costumes. Fisher fell asleep on the couch around 5:30, and didn't wake up until the next morning, so it was just me and the biggin's. Along with some new friends.

We went to the apple orchard. Yummy, fresh mountain apples!!

Jackson turned 9. My, oh my, where is the time going?!?! He requested pancakes, so the Pioneer Woman pancakes it was!! See the cake mix box in the corner. I decided to pull a little prank on my prankster. Well, really, I couldn't find tape, so I wrapped his Tony Hawk{free from Kohl's-yay} shirt around a movie and put it in the cake box and hot glued it close. He had requested strawberry cupcakes for school, so this was perfect!!

His party theme took a couple turns before being a game night. This was his cake before it got mutilated. Um, yeah...

I had a birthday. I turned 33 on 11, 11, 11-how cool is that!?!?!
My little people got me cozy socks, which I love, and made me the sweetest cards!!

When we got home from our anniversary trip, not only was my house spotless{thanks, Mom!!}, I had a package waiting. Jenny made this altered art for me. Poor thing, I think she was afraid to send it, because after she had made it, we were talking about aa and I said I didn't care for it. I guess I said it, but I had to reiterate that it was the scary kind with the eyes from one person pasted onto another person's face. Yikes!! This kind of altered art I LOVE!! Its fun, not freaky!!
Anyhow...this is my fun, happy corner of my kitchen!!
Happy Fall, Y'all!!!!